23rd January – Richard Hewitt – Birds of the South Atlantic

27th February – Susan Taylor – A Different Approach to Trinidad & Tobago

26th March – Michael Lockton – GB Postal History

23rd April – Jim Etherington – The B.E.F in France 1939-1940

28th May – AGM & Mini Auction

25th June – Members’ Display – One Sheet Competition, followed by Malcolm Cole on WWI U-Boats

23rd July – Sue Burn – “Smithy” and his Bus – SWITCHED WITH AUGUST MEETING

27th August – John Davies – A Philatelic History of the 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee – SWITCHED WITH JULY MEETING

24th September – Members’ Displays – Any Thematic Subject – Roy Gilbert Cup

22nd October – Auction

26th November – Peter Wood – “It’s an Irish World”

18th December (WEDNESDAY) – Christmas Lunch and Raffle

Other Events


15th June – Saturday – Bookham Village Day

23rd – 26th October – Stampex – Autumn 2024

30th November – FSPS AGM & Competitions